Правила как у всех: плеер на рандом, первые строчки первых тридцати песен — сюда, дальше кто угадал — тот молодец С:с учетом того, сколько левой хуйни я слушаю, это будет странновато >DD
1. A pussyfooting setting sun
2. We take sour sips from life's lush lips Fall Out Boy - The carpal tunnel of love -
godblessjules3. Tell me everything that happened, tell me everything you saw
4. O green world, don't desert me now
5. Kishinda omoi o hakidashita ino wa Asian Kung-fu Generation — Rewrite -
Чацкий6. Who let the cat out of the bag?
7. I think you and my friends should hang out on the weekends
(и это единственная строчка там...)8. Turn away, if you could get me a drink My Chemical Romance — Cancer -
Чацкий9. Now come one come all to this tragic affair My Chemical Romance - The end -
godblessjules10. From the day he was born he was trouble Rocky Horror Picture Show - Eddie -
Чацкий11. Listening, learning and feel the world turning
12. Check Check, Check Check, Check Check Check Check Check Check Check My Chemical Romance - Destroya -
godblessjules13. Trying hard to speak and fighting with my weak hand
14. Remember me when you're the one who's silver screened Placebo - Special needs -
godblessjules15. Shine razor eyes before the walls come down
16. The winds of fortune don't blow the same The Offspring - Hit that -
Чацкий17. Bounce me (Oh, Oh, Oh), Bounce me (Oh, Oh, Oh)
xDD18. I did my best to notice when the call came down the line
19. In cold light of morning while everyone is yawning, you're high Placebo - In the cold light of morning -
godblessjules20. Another head hangs lowly, child is slowly taken Breed 77 - Zombie -
godblessjules21. Vi sitter här i venten och spelar lite DotA
22. No matter how many times that you told me you wanted to leave 30 seconds to mars - Hurricane -
godblessjules23. Jag känner en bot, hon heter Anna, Anna, heter hon
24. We don't care for romance, romance or shooting stars
25. Your cruel device, your blood like ice Alice Cooper - Poison -
godblessjules26. When I got to the party, they gave me a forty Amanda Palmer - Oasis -
godblessjules27. I feel so extraordinary, something's got a hold on me New Order - True faith -
godblessjules28. Teacher says that I've been naughty, I must learn to concentrate Soho Dolls - Bang bang bang bang -
godblessjules29. I can only hope it's true enough that every little thing I do for love
30. I am a disco dancer, I am a disco dancer